If you run to google every time to know basic fundamentals & technical of a stock, this excel is just for you !

Just enter the stock symbol, the exchange (optional) & your preferred time frame i.e. 'Daily' or 'Weekly'

You'll automatically get
- Current Price
- Last Change (₹)
- Last Change (%)
- 52 Week High
- 52 Week Low
- Current price in relation to 52 week high
- Current price in relation to 52 week low
- Market Cap
- Price to Earnings Ratio
- Beta
- Earning Per Share
- Daily traded volume average
- No. of outstanding shares

Bonus 1 : You can choose between different time periods from 1 month to 60 months & the sheet will auto generate a beautiful candlestick chart which you can refer to, to understand how the price is moving & total change in price during that time period.

Bonus 2 : You get a stock watchlist ! Just enter the stock symbol you are invested in, your entry price & number of shares you hold & you'll get
- Stock Name
- Current Price
- Last Change %
- Last Change (₹)
- Current Value of investment - Individual & Cumulative both
- Invested Value - Individual & Cumulative both
- ROCE (%) - Individual & Cumulative both

Just download the excel and upload it to google sheets & start using !
If you have trouble using the sheet feel free to comment below
Happy Trading / Investing To All
*Basic sheet format is available in google sheets powered by Google. The above verison has been modified & edited for more ease in using
There are many errors here. Not showing the correct rates.
No errors. Just download it and open it in google sheets. It wont work in excel
exel repairs the file and automatically removes the formulas
file has errors and is not working. COuld you please check and upload it once again?